The Health Coach Content Club

Monthly Done-for-You Content for Health Coaches


Hey there, Health Coach 🍋

What the experts forgot to tell you is you can have all the funnels set up, the perfect program you're excited to run all ready to go, and the most outstanding website ever to grace the internet...

But if you don't have an audience listening to you, you'll keep hearing those crickets.

I mean, it makes sense, right?

I bet you DO have the perfect program you're thrilled about -- but you just are struggling to find people to buy it. That's the biggest problem I've seen over my 10 years working with my fellow Health Coaches.

The Health Coach Content Club Solves The Main Problem I See.

What are the biggest hold-ups I see as Health Coaches try to grow their business?

Lack of consistency.

Lack of confidence.

Lack of strategy.

You've been so busy setting up your business, you forgot to work on building an audience who wants to buy from you! 😬

That's where the Content Club comes in. Content that helps you grow a community that converts — completely done-for-you every month.

🙌🏼 Let's grow your audience every month with content that's engaging, helpful, fun and relatable.

🙌🏼 Let's equip you with a content schedule that's so easy you just copy and paste so you can show up regularly to gain the trust of your followers (and turn them into clients).

You get all of this, every single month.

On the 21st of the month, you get a jam-packed swipe file filled with a month's worth of content. Copy, paste, and post with purpose.

✔️ Email List Content 

1. A List Building Challenge

Every quarter you get one done-for-you challenge to use to build your email list.

This comes with a marketing bundle and all the tutorials you’ll need to succeed.

2. Newsletters

You get four engaging pre-written newsletters to send to your list each month, so you keep in touch.


✔️ **NEW** Done-for-You Workshop 

Get a brand-new workshop each month, designed to help you and your clients dive deep into essential health topics. These workshops are packed with valuable insights, actionable steps, and all the tools you need before and after the workshop (promo emails, follow up emails, the workshop script, all the goodies!) 


✔️ **NEW** Client Tools & Recipe Booklet 

1. Client Tool

Each month, you'll receive a client tool that you can easily incorporate into your coaching sessions. These tools are created to enhance client results, support your coaching efforts, and make your practice more effective.


2. Recipe Booklet

Keep your clients motivated and inspired with a fresh recipe booklet every month. Each booklet is filled with delicious, healthy recipes that are easy to prepare. 


✔️ Instagram Content 

1. Daily Instagram Posts

Gorgeous, informative, shareable Instagram posts to post M-F every week. You get images AND written posts with each day's content.

2. Daily Instagram Story Prompts

Get in front of your audience daily in a relaxed, casual way that creates trust and relationship with your followers.

3. Step-by-Step Recipe Video

You get one viral-worthy step-by-step recipe video to use on social media to share with your audience and gain new followers. They’re so tasty!


✔️ Facebook Group Content 

1. Daily Group Posts

Daily, intentional posts to create a tight-knit community with all eyes on you. You get posts (photos + text) to post every single day of the month - even on the weekends.

2. Livestream Scripts 

You get four interesting pre-written articles to use as livestream video scripts to use in your community. These are helpful for building your following through having a consistent presence online.


✔️ **NEW** Monthly Client Getting Blitz

Every month, join us for a client-getting blitz focused on gaining referral partnerships using the content provided in the club. This blitz will give you the tools and strategies to effectively use the club’s content to build valuable referral relationships with other businesses, while focusing on one theme per month. You'll receive the Marketing Kit you'll need to participate in the blitz each month, too!


✔️ Business Mini-Courses

1. Instagram for Health Coaches: How to Build a Strong and Engaged Following

This course is designed to help health coaches leverage the power of Instagram to showcase their brand and expertise, grow their audience, and attract more clients.

2. Facebook Groups for Health Coaches: Building a Thriving Community

The Facebook Groups for Health Coaches: Building a Thriving Community course helps you discover how to leverage the power of social media to create an engaged and supportive community of clients.

3. List Building 101: A Mini-Course for Starting and Scaling Your Email List

Whether you're starting from scratch or looking to scale your existing list, this course will provide you with the foundational knowledge and practical tools you need to succeed.


✔️ List Builder Library

12 eBook List Builders to Grow Your List & Community

You get the editable Canva files of the following eBooks: 

Homemade Condiments: Simple DIY Versions of Your Most Used Condiments

Practical Ways to Reduce Food Waste

How to Grow Your Own Food From Scraps

Colors of Produce: What Health Benefits Each Color Provides

Not All Foods Need to Be Organic, Tips for Gaining Confidence in the Kitchen

Salad Toppers to Make Your Salads More Interesting

Going Green at the Grocery Store

Breakfast Recipes: Quick Recipes for Those Busy Mornings

Read Your Labels: Ingredients to Check For On Your Food Labels

Simple + Healthy Lunch Ideas

Mindful Eating During The Holiday Season and Beyond


✔️ Masterclass + Tutorial Library

 20+ Masterclasses on various business topics and all the tutorial videos you need to succeed.


You'll Get Access To Your First Month's Content Immediately.


Only $67/mo. No Contracts.


This Month's Content Package Topics:

Want to see what a month’s worth of content looks like? Totally understand! Take a look below at the current month’s content package so you can see all you get.

Your 5-Day List Building Series: 

✔️ The Freezer Meal Prepping Series


Your 4 Email Newsletter Topics: 

✔️  Try These Simple Turmeric Recipes for Everyday Meals

✔️  Quick and Healthy Autumn Recipes You’ll Love

✔️  Five Effective, Equipment-Free Exercises You Can Do at Home

✔️  Try This 7-Day Mindful Eating Challenge

Daily Facebook Group Posts follow the following themes: 

Monday: Meal Prep Recipe Idea

Tuesday: Engagement Question

Wednesday: Wellness Hack

Thursday: Gratitude Post for Engagement

Friday: Healthy Habit

Saturday: Self Care Tip

Sunday: Week Recap + Goal Setting


Weekly Livestream Scripts: 

✔️  How to Stock a Healthy Kitchen 

✔️  A Realistic Approach to Less Screen Time 

✔️  Establishing a Wind-Down Routine for Better Sleep 

✔️  A Guide to Transforming Your Relationship with Food 

✔️  Monday-Friday Instagram Story Prompts

✔️ Oat Cinnamon Chia Pudding Recipe Video

✔️  15 Bonus Infographics 

✔️  Monday-Friday Instagram Posts with Infographic + Text Included

Client Tool for September: 

✔️  Habit Tracker 

Recipe Booklet for September: 

✔️  One Pot Meals

✔️  The Stress Solution

Want to see an example?

Want to see what a month’s worth of content looks like? Totally understand! Take a look below at the current month’s content package so you can see all you get.


You'll Get Access To Your First Month's Content Immediately.


Only $67/mo. No Contracts.


Hey friend, I’m Jamie.

Aka your secret business weapon 😘


After completing my certification from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, I wanted to combine my two passions - health + creative genius.

I created the Health Coach Content Club 7 years ago to give coaches like you the opportunity to have smart, meaningful content delivered to you each and every month. From newsletters to scripts for videos and classes, I write it all in one tidy package and send it straight to your email!

Pretty handy, huh?
You get your life back to spend coaching, hanging out with your family… Heck, you could even take a weekend off, finally.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could…


  • Have a system every month that helps you consistently grow & engage your audience, gaining their trust?

  • Cut down on your time doing "behind-the-scenes" work, because it's all done FOR you and all you need to do is click "Download"?


The Health Coach Content Club helps you DO IT ALL, in record time.


You'll Get Access To Your First Month's Content Immediately.


Only $67/mo. No Contracts.



Inside Your Members Area

Once you join, you’ll gain access into your members area where your monthly package can be found. On top of that (which is plenty already!) you get a slew of other valuable goodies such as a list builder library & a masterclass library.

You’ll immediately get 12 gorgeous list builders you can edit in Canva and build your list with anytime. You’ll also be able to download any masterclass you’re interested in and learn from experts. WHAT are you waiting for? 😝


Things are about to get a lot easier for you, friend.

Instead of spending your time staring at your computer screen, trying to write a newsletter or record a video, you get to:

Focus on what you’re good at and leave the content creation to me, because your passion is coaching, not staring at your computer screen trying to design a Canva image.

Realize your potential and the power you hold with your gifts, and discover that it’s totally possible to make it as a health coach.

Finally feel confident to do this work and attract the clients that promising practices are made of.

Join the club today.

Only $67/mo. No Contracts.

Your First Month's Materials Will Be in Your Inbox Immediately.

You Get Your NEW Monthly Package On The 21st Each Month Via Email.

This gives you a couple of days each month to go through everything, make your tweaks and edits, and set up your schedule for sending everything out. I’ve created a carefully crafted package for every month, helping you be the coach you were meant to be!


Frequently Asked Questions

You can! I provide all of the links for the Canva Templates. If you want to edit, click the link associated with the items you wish to edit and import the Template to your Canva account. There are tutorial videos for this in the Tutorial Section of your membership if you need extra assistance.

The honest answer is this isn't beneficial for those who are very niched down. BUT - the information in the membership is general health & wellness information, which can be adapted to any niche. You can use the materials as a springboard to create more niched content or use it as the fill-in content between your niched content.

You can use it as done-for-you content for your health & wellness business. You may edit it as you wish and be as creative as you’d like. The only thing you cannot do is re-sell it as a Done-for-You package to other Health & Wellness Coaches.

They're released on the 21st of every month. They will be automatically updated here on the members area then, and you'll also receive an email the morning of the 21st as a reminder you have a new package to download.


50% Complete

Two Step

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